Love Your Work, Love Your Newsletters
and Love Your Advice!!

Love Your Work, Love Your Newsletters and Love Your Advice!!

I purchased the program in 2002 and didn't do anything with it as my husband is an accountant and wouldn't look at it, so it sat for one whole year, then one day I was cleaning out the cupboard and loaded the disc and set up all the accounts and year-to-date things and nearly fell off the chair, we were in so much trouble.

So I phoned David and he walked and talked me throughout the whole mess at hand, slowly slowly I explained this to my accountant husband and that about six months later I phoned David again to straighten out some figures and then typed out the reports in Budget-by-Year and Budget-by-Month. And then stuck them on the fridge and walked around it for about 2 days, tidied up things and once I had it fine tuned I then showed my husband, who was most impressed with all the details and the year-to-date things and then for me to even be able to come up with this, (as I'm the spender not the earner, nor the accountant.)

So now we are on track, thanks to David's hard work and patience. We (husband and myself) will be at the Perth Seminar to get the full benefits out of all that David has to say. Love your work, love your newsletters and love your advice. Keep up the good work.

- Lynette Fiscalini-Ball -